We are delighted to celebrate the distribution of sashes and badges to the newly elected CRs, Societies Presidents, and Vice Presidents at Women Medical and Dental College, Abbottabad.
HoD DME, Dr. M. Abdullah, and Dr. Azhar Iqbal
BDS ( Pesh), FCPS ( Pak), FICD (USA), FDS RCS ( UK), FHEA ( UK), MFDS RCSED ( Edin) MFDS RCPS (Glasg), MAcadMed ( UK), PG Dip Med Edu ( UK)
A. Professor & Consultant
Department of Restorative Dental Sciences,
College of Dentistry, Jouf University, Saudi Arabia. Proudly presented sashes to the newly elected CRS, Societies Presidents, and Vice Presidents.
This ceremony marks the beginning of their leadership journey, symbolizing their dedication and commitment to our academic community. Congratulations to all the recipients!
We look forward to your exemplary leadership and the positive changes you will bring.

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