
It is the science that deals with the origin, nature, chemistry, effects, and uses of drugs. it includes.
pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacotherapeutics and toxicology.
Teaching in Year 2nd Year B.D.S
Duration of Course One Year
The objective is to provide exceptional and rigorous academic instruction in the discipline of pharmacology and therapeutics, according to globally recognized benchmarks. The primary objective of the pharmacology department is to cultivate a cadre of health professionals and researchers that possess exceptional competence, vitality, and empathy. These individuals are equipped to make valuable contributions to the delivery of cost-effective healthcare services within the community and society at large.
The primary objective of instructing undergraduate students in pharmacology is to instill a logical and scientific understanding of therapeutics, with a specific focus on its relevance to the dentistry curriculum and profession.


Upon completion of the course, the student will possess the following abilities:
i. To provide a detailed explanation of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential drugs commonly utilized in both general medical practice and dentistry.
ii. To compile a comprehensive list of indications, contraindications, drug interactions, and adverse reactions associated with commonly used drugs, supported by logical reasoning.
iii. To customize the utilization of appropriate drugs in the treatment of diseases, taking into account factors such as cost, efficacy, and safety, both for individual patients and for mass therapy requirements.
iv. To demonstrate caution when prescribing commonly used and essential drugs in specialized medical scenarios, including but not limited to pregnancy, lactation, advanced age, renal and hepatic impairment, and immunocompromised patients.
v. To integrate the principles of rational drug therapy into the field of clinical pharmacology.
vi. To identify the fundamental principles that underlie the concept of “Essential drugs”.
i. Upon completion of the course, the student will possess the ability to effectively prescribe medications for prevalent dental and medical conditions.
ii. The objective is to have a comprehensive understanding of the adverse responses and drug interactions associated with frequently prescribed medications.
iii. Engage in the observation of experiments specifically intended to investigate the impacts of pharmaceutical substances.
The ability to critically assess medication formulations and comprehend the clinical pharmacology of routinely used preparations in dentistry is of utmost importance. The concept of integration is a fundamental mathematical operation that involves finding the integral of a function. The acquisition of practical information about the use of pharmaceuticals in clinical practice will be facilitated by the implementation of integrated teaching methods in collaboration with clinical departments.

Faculty & Staff:





Dr Gul Mehnaz

Dr. Maleeka Malik BDS

Dr. Sahar Amin 

Associate Professor/HOD



MBBS, M.Phil