Counselling and Empowerment Cell


To empower students and faculty to make responsible, lifelong, and meaningful choices in a global and dynamic world.


Women Dental College aims to sow the seed of empowerment among the students and faculty and to make the emotionally and psychologically strong through counseling and to help them to become better professionals and service providers of the society.

About counseling

Counseling is a process that aims to facilitate personal well-being of the individual through support and guidance of trained counselors, for a healthy mind and body. With the intent to address and help resolve emotional and psychological issues of the students and employees of WDC the college has initiated the “Counseling and Empowerment Cell” in the college premises with the help of a trained Counselor. The goal of the counseling Cell is to encourage the students and employees to understand themselves and the issues that trouble them and guides them to resolve their problems. These problems can be personal, social, peer, family, emotional, sexual, academic etc. This is done through individual or group counseling to help them with academic goals, social and career goals, personality development, empathy, enhancing listening skills, and interpersonal skills to have healthy relationships and a healthy lifestyle.


Roles and responsibilities of a counselor in a Women Medical College

Student Empowerment

To empower students multiple student societies have been established at WM&DC. Students are elected for various positions in the societies via elections

Societies Structure

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Psychologist Medical Education and Research WM&DC
is a well-qualified psychologist providing counselling services to the students and staff she is also rendering her services as a lecturer.

M.Phil. Psychology
Quaid-e-Azam University

Skills and Expertise
Counselling, Active listening, online and classroom teaching , students coordination, Implementing student empowerment plans.