Exam Cell


Our vision is to provide quality assessment and evaluation through conduct of examination in a best possible way.


Planning, Scheduling and Organizing Examination, strictly complying with the KMU policies and procedures on conduct of Examination, managing physical records of results and Examination answer sheets, monitoring Invagination duties during examination, maintaining the MCQs Question bank. Generating results on OMR software.


This cell was established in 2021. The team of Exam Cell Plan, develop, conduct & monitors the assessment of undergraduate students. The assessment are planned before start of academic year, with the involvement of DMER.

Assessment Plan


Question/MCQs Bank

All MCQs and OSPE/OSCE stations will be stored in an MCQs bank to be developed and managed by examination cell. These MCQs will be used in future internal assessments and will also be shared with KMU to be included in summative examinations. In case of leakage of MCQs, these will be either modified or altogether discarded.

Students & Faculty Feedback on assessment

Post block meeting are arranged to take both informal and formal feedback.